Applications are accepted only when a call is open to the public. QASR does not accept any application sent directly to our team or website without a call issued to the public.
Learn more about the General terms of the application.
1. The project must include a clear, specific, and detailed business plan according to the template prepared by the academy; incomplete applications will not be accepted.
2. The project manager (principal investigator) must be a faculty member at a Jordanian, Palestinian, or Lebanese university, and it is preferred that the team includes researchers from different Arab and/or foreign universities.
3. The project must not be submitted to any other entity during the Academy’s review period, and projects that have previously been proposed or won similar support are not allowed. Additionally, the project must not have received financial support or sponsorship from any other entity before or during the proposed project period.
4. Priority will be given to projects that are applicable in practical real-world settings and/or have the potential to produce prototype models, establish start-up companies, register patents, or bring about positive change in society by providing needed services.
5. Priority will be given to projects that are sustainable after the support period ends.
6. Priority will be given to projects involving multiple institutions (universities, research centers, scientific entities) and/or multiple countries.
7. Priority will be given to projects involving a company or institution from the industrial, commercial, or agricultural sector who are working on developing solutions for their specific challenges.
8. Priority will be given to projects in which the university or institution commits to covering at least 30% of the project budget which cannot exceed a contribution of 70 thousand Jordanian dinars (100 thousand US dollars).
9. The project’s duration should not be less than one year or exceed three years unless approved by the academy’s management.
10. The project manager must submit semi-annual financial and technical reports starting from the project’s commencement date which detail progress according to the plan approved by the academy.
11. All applicants, participants, and winners of support are subject to all terms and conditions issued by the academy.
12. Participants are expected to adhere to research ethics and intellectual property rights of third parties. Any intentional violation of these rights will result in the non-responsibility of the academy for any third-party claims against them.
13. The academy is committed to conducting transparent, fair, neutral evaluations while maintaining confidentiality of submitted work and preserving intellectual property rights whether support is accepted or rejected.
14. The academy reserves the right to update terms and conditions for support at any time based on its sole discretion without allowing participants to challenge or discuss these changes.